Fiddle Leaf Figs, scientifically known as Ficus lyrate, are popular indoor plants recognized for their remarkable beauty and expansive, glossy leaves. However, these plants can sometimes develop brown spots, which may be concerning for plant owners. Understanding how to prevent and treat these brown spots on fiddle leaf fig is essential to maintaining health and beauty. This article will provide detailed steps on how to both prevent and remove brown spots.

Causes of Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig

Watering Issues

Insufficient irrigation is a prevalent factor leading to the formation of brown patches. Excessive watering can result in root rot, a condition characterized by the development of dark brown spots on the leaves that have a soft texture. Underwatering, conversely, results in crispy brown edges and spots as the plant dries out.


Fiddle Leaf Figs thrive in places with indirect sunlight. Exposure to direct sunlight can cause the leaves to become scorched, resulting in the formation of crispy, dry brown blotches or patches. It’s crucial to find a spot that receives plenty of light but is shielded from intense direct sun.

Fungal Infections

Fungal infections, such as root rot or leaf spot disease, can result in the appearance of brown, frequently irregularly shaped, blemishes on the leaves. These spots may spread quickly if the infection is not managed promptly.

Preventing Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig

Optimal Watering Practices

To prevent watering-related issues, establish a consistent watering schedule. Make sure that the uppermost layer of soil is completely dry before watering it again. This method helps avoid both overwatering and underwatering, reducing the risk of brown spots developing. Moreover, it can be prevented by a landscaping company that covers all of these issues for you.

Proper Lighting

Position your Fiddle Leaf Fig in a spot that offers ample amounts of vibrant, indirect sunshine. To mitigate the effects of direct sunlight, employ sheer drapes to scatter the light and shield the large indoor plants from potential sun damage.

Humidity and Ventilation

Fiddle Leaf Figs thrive in a humid environment. To maintain ideal humidity levels, one can utilize a humidifier or position a water tray close to the plant. Proper air circulation is essential to avoid fungal infections, so, place your plant in a location with sufficient ventilation.

Treating Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig

Identifying the Problem

First, identify the cause of the brown spots. Check the moisture level of the soil, inspect for signs of pests or disease, and evaluate the plant’s exposure to light. This will guide your treatment plan for plant care in your garden.

Adjusting Watering Habits

If excessive watering is the problem, ensure that the soil of the plant is completely dry before watering it again. To address plants that have not received enough water, gradually increase the frequency of watering, making sure that the soil becomes evenly moist without becoming excessively wet.

Managing Sun Exposure

If sunburn is the cause, relocate your Fiddle Leaf Fig to an area with less direct sunlight. If relocation is not possible, shielding the plant from intense sunlight with a screen or curtain can be effective.

Treating Fungal Infections

For fungal issues, remove affected leaves with sterilized scissors or pruning shears. Treat the plant with a fungicide recommended for Fiddle Leaf Figs, following label instructions closely to avoid harming the plant.

Maintaining a Healthy Fiddle Leaf Fig

Regular Health Checks

Regularly inspect your Fiddle Leaf Fig for early signs of stress, such as drooping leaves, discoloration, or pests. Early detection makes treatment more manageable and effective for tree care in your home or garden.

Nutrient Management

Fertilizing your Fiddle Leaf Fig during the growing season can promote healthy growth and increase resistance to diseases. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every few months, but avoid over-fertilizing, which can lead to chemical burns and brown spots.


Prune your Fiddle Leaf Fig to remove dead or dying leaves and to promote new growth. This not only helps the plant look better but also improves airflow, which is vital for preventing fungal diseases.

Are Brown Spots Ruining the Beauty of Your Garden Plants?

Is your home garden suffering from unsightly brown spots on your beloved plants, like the popular Fiddle Leaf Fig? Our Garden Design and Landscaping Services offer expert care and innovative solutions to protect and rejuvenate your garden. With our professional help, we can address the underlying causes of these blemishes, from improper watering practices to pest invasions, ensuring your plants not only survive but thrive. Let us help you transform your garden into a vibrant, healthy oasis that complements your home and brings joy every day.

Ready to restore the health and beauty of your garden with professional precision?


Brown spots on Fiddle Leaf Figs can be a sign of various issues, from watering problems and sunburn to fungal infections. To ensure the health and vitality of your plant, it is important to understand the underlying causes and implement preventive measures. Consistent observation and effective control of the environment are crucial to prevent these common problems. If brown spots do appear, early and appropriate treatment will help your Fiddle Leaf Fig recover and thrive in your home.